Thursday 10 October 2013

Basic Marks and Perspectives

This is from the first Observation Drawing session of the year, which involved drawing an arrangement of two tables with a cloth draping over them, and a box sitting on the largest table.

This was to get a basic understanding of each students ability at the basics of still life, including; Shading, Tonal value, perspective and ability to measure proportions.

There are three drawings on this page, the first attempt in the middle is barely visible as it was drawn with an incorrect use of proportional measurement and a poor choice of positioning on the page on the part of the artist. The second (on the left) shows a better use of measuring and a good use of tonal value and perspective resulting in a more complete and realistic image. The third and final drawing on the upper left of the page, while being less complete than the second, shows the better example of perspective and proportion of the three, as well as a degree of shading on the box.

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