Wednesday 23 October 2013

Still Life, Form and Implied Lines

In the above graphite image we can better see and understand the shape and forms of each object their 'implied' lines. This understanding can be better seen on the; copper vase (2nd from the left), jug (3rd from the left) and the square vase(on the far right) this is because of the uniformity in the direction of the lines drawn onto the objects, the artist has managed to keep the flowing in the same direction with a good mix of uneven and messiness, this allows you to better follow and see the contours of the objects and their dimensions.

After the lines were drawn on the artist had to shade in the objects and add highlights to glass and copper objects to better add depth, lighting and 3-distentions to the image. The contour lines drawn on earlier help the shading to do this by providing the shading with an easier reference to add the different tones in lighting, it also helps the eye to interpret which was the objects are curving. The highlights were added with a putty rubber at the end of the drawing session and are present on every object in the scene with the exception of the skull in the centre.

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